Profitable Forex trader


I’m a naked trader. I use the only reliable information to make money on the Forex market : the price action.

This website contains all the information needed to trade successfully on the Forex. Really. No scam here, no advertisement here, no fucking indicators here, no $1000 trading training course here. It describes the system I trade since few years now. This system is a “heavy” system : it uses high probability trading setups.

But more important, this website tends toward providing the most useful information : the little “tips&tricks” to maximize the probability and the profitability of a trading system. Moreover, you will discover here the raw and inherent properties of the price action.

Nothing to sell, only to tell.


27 thoughts on “Profitable Forex trader”

  1. Hello there,

    I’ve just come across your signal from but I’ve notice that you don’t trade regularly ( only 3-4 trades per months average), can you please explain ?
    I also would like to know what is the maximum equity draw down should clients expect ?
    Last but not least, I’ve noticed the price has just gone up this weekend without any previous warning :(( me and my friends wanted to join the signal but you had few positions open an are deep in profit. I appreciate if you can owner us the old price .

    I appreciate hearing from you asap,

    Kind regards,

  2. Hi Dave,

    Since you had few questions, I sent you an email, it’s more handy.

    Kind regards,


  3. Dear Sir,
    I saw your website on please i would like to subscribe for your signals. Can you give me a litttle more information please.
    Thank you

  4. Hello Beta, I am reading you sight and find it interesting can you please add me to your list as I am always about learning to trade with success…

    Thank you for sharing.

  5. You indicated that your signal is not FIFO compliant. Is that correct? I ask because it appears you do not stack trades, and you don’t open more than one position at a time in the same pair. It seems that would necessarily be FIFO compliant.

    1. Hi Alex,

      You are right. When I subscribed to signalstart, I think this option was not available. Yes, I never stack trades. One trade is one setup, is one risk. So I changed it in my settings. Now my system appears as FIFO compliant.

  6. Thanks a lot for the website, you’re a good man to share your knowledge like this, i hope you will keep providing your signal for a long time and will even make it better if possible.

  7. Hi beta – great website – very concise, easy to navigate and no bullshit approach – very refreshing! If I sign up to your system, is simpletrader the only site/option you offer ( ie vs managed accounts); and if so any tips for avoiding trades already opened and in profit? What is your longer term approach ie will you be around some time ? Finally, how do you avoid high impact news events such as the CHF one earlier this year and the EUR issues – which makes longer term hold systems more vulnerable, and almost appear when you least expect them?


    Pete, UK

    1. Hi Pete,
      Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, I’m a bit busy this month and I have a lot of articles to write… I hope having more time next month to do it.
      For retail investors, Simpletrader is the main option (i’m on signalstart too but it’s too expensive I think…). As I have often a running trade (daily or weekly one) it’s hard to avoid it :-)
      Concerning the news, I don’t care. The SNB event in January has been avoided because the price was not really tradable at this moment (for me the EURCHF is still not tradable now). But you are right, it can occur when we least expect it. Since I use always stoplosses with 2% risk, it’s not a problem. If I lost a trade in January because of the SNB, I would have lost only 2%, that’s all. For information, here is a video of my ex-mentor explaining that technically the EURCHF was likely to fall before the 15th January :

      1. Pete, Beta,
        The open in trades in profit will be ignored by Simpletrader.
        On the advanced tab, by default the max slippage is set to 3. This means the trade will not open unless the price goes back 3 pips from Beta’s entry. On the MT4 screen you will see ‘Price out of Range’.
        Hope this helps, Nico

  8. Hi beta, I have just been reading your comments in simple trader website. I have tried signal services in the past, but nothing has worked to date. I like your low drawdown and I’m interested in learning more. Are you providing signals and if so where can I sign up. I assume the signals are connected to my account. Looking forward to receiving further info, thank you,c

  9. Just gone thru your website in more detail and am impressed with what I read, no nonsense approach, that makes sense. I ,ok forward to following you and hearing if you give a trading signal service. Now back to the website to see what MA’s you use. Txt again,c

    1. Hi Charled,

      Thanks for your comments, you’re welcome. I will send you an email with all the information if you are interested by signal services as I prefer not making advertising of Simpletrader (or other online signal services) here on my website.

      1. thank you for your reply. I look forward to receiving further info and your recommendations. What minimum size account do you recommend. Avd further info would be appreciated. Thank you.

  10. Please get in contact with me by email. I am a price action trader too. Wondering were you learned this stuff :)

  11. Hey Beta,

    I’ve seen simpletrader mentioned a few times on your site in comments. I can’t for the life of me find your system listed there.

    At the risk of sounding like a buffoon – has your system been removed?

    Thanks for your time.

  12. i am working in mines and i can’t able to trade due to my work nature. can you trade for me on commission basis

  13. Hi

    I found your work on Walter’s forum and am really impressed. I am based in France too and am trying to find a broker outside of the EU am probably going to hook up with Ozzy IG but can you recommend any ?

    I would also be very interested in subscribing to your signals.

    Best regards


  14. Good morning,
    I would be very interested to follow your signals, if you can let me know how to do this it would be appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards

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